Friday, January 28

What Cancer Can't Do

Cancer is so limited
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot erode faith
It cannot eat away peace
It cannot destroy confidence
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot reduce eternal life
It cannot quench the spirit
It cannot lesson the power of the resurrection

Sunday, January 2

I Heart Faces--Favorite Face Photo of 2010

It's a new year!! I am going to try and participate each week in the I Heart Faces challenges to improve my photography skills and try new things. 

From I Heart Faces……
“For the challenge this week, we will all be sharing our very favorite face photo that we took in 2010 (and yes, it must be a human face.)

This year has been very challenging for our family as our youngest child, our son, Trace was diagnosed with cancer at age 11. A very rare, but fortunately, low grade salivary cancer. He had 2 surgeries, one being at MD Anderson in Houston, TX and the final pathologies were "no evidence of disease" or NED for short. He has checkup with CT scans in early February to check for any spread of the cancer.

This picture was taken in between his 2 surgeries, before the initial pathology, before we knew there was cancer in his body, before his life changed forever. After 3 hrs of anesthesia and in pain, he was able to squeeze out a little smile. :)

Head over to I Heart Faces for more great faces of 2010!!